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What Are Digital X-Rays?

Dentists often use X-rays during checkups to analyze the condition of bones, tissue, and teeth. Digital X-rays are modern alternatives that bring a range of benefits to patients. Here’s some information on why you should seek a provider that offers this solution.


How Do Digital X-Rays Work?

Traditional X-rays use electromagnetic radiation that can pass through soft tissue to create images of body structures. Bones and teeth reflect most of the radiation, making them visible.

During a dental X-ray, the dentist may have you wear a lead apron to protect the rest of your body. However, handheld devices focus on specific parts, so radiation is contained. The professional aims the machine at a part of the jaw to capture images of the mouth.


What Are the Benefits of Digital Radiography?

While traditional X-rays capture film images that need to be developed before they can be viewed, digital radiography uses a sensor attached to a computer. The sensor uploads the image to the computer to permit immediate viewing. 

Since pictures are digital, the dentist can also modify sizing and angle to get a clearer view. Additionally, digital imaging is more environmentally friendly as all files are stored electronically, reducing landfill waste.

Digital X-rays also emit up to 70% less radiation than traditional machines, improving safety. Radiation can increase the possibility of developing cancer later in life and put the user at risk of cataracts, skin reddening, and hair loss. While traditional radiography is necessary when diagnosing broken bones, tumors, and other conditions, choosing digital X-rays for dental work puts you at a lower risk of the above issues.


If you’re interested in high-tech dental solutions, trust Splendental in Columbus, OH. Led by skilled dentist Dr. Douglas Nartker, they provide compassionate and reliable dental care. Their digital X-rays produce up to 70% less radiation than conventional radiography and send feeds to HD monitors. Visit them online to learn more about the office, or call (614) 588-0678 to schedule an appointment. 

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